Intro / A–H / I–O / P–Z / Sickie Boy / Songs by Album
Soft Boys: A Can of Bees (1979)
- Give It to the Soft Boys: Dr Messerschmitt
- Leppo and the Jooves: Leppo, Noddy
- Return of the Sacred Crab: Gladys, Kimberley (Rew)
- Sandra’s Having Her Brain Out: Barry, Bloaty, Brenda, Norman, Sandra
- The Pigworker: Crowbar Joe, Heather, J.J. Loomis
- The Rat’s Prayer: Belinda, Cook, Natty Dread
- Ugly Nora: Kim(berley Rew), Nora, Robbie baby
Soft Boys: Underwater Moonlight (1980)
- Old Pervert: Hester, Midge
- Queen of Eyes: Lucky the Pig
- There’s Nobody Like You: Her, Him, Kent, Mucky, Queek
- Goodbye Maurice or Steve: Maurice, Steve
- Like A Real Smoothie: Jim
Black Snake Diamond Role (1981)
- Brenda’s Iron Sledge: Brenda, Reg
- Happy the Golden Prince: Happy
Gravy Deco (1982)
- Night Ride to Trinidad: Irene?, Mr Watson
Soft Boys: Invisible Hits (1983)
- Have a Heart, Betty (I’m Not Fireproof): Betty
- Muriel’s Hoof: Muriel
- Rock ‘N’ Roll Toilet: Jah
- Wey Wey Hep Uh Hole: Kimberley (Rew)
I Often Dream of Trains (1984)
- The Bones In The Ground: Maureen, Paula-Lorraine, Vera
- Uncorrected Personality Traits: Marilyn Monroe
Fegmania (1985)
- Goodnight I Say: Bradley, Janet
Element of Light (1986)
- Bass: Lieutenant Hodges, Reg
- Lady Waters & the Hooded One: Lady Waters
- Raymond Chandler Evening: Raymond Chandler
- Somewhere Apart: Graham
- Ted, Woody & Junior: Ted, Woody
- Winchester: Pat, Paul, Phil
Invisible Hitchcock (1986)
- Dr Sticky: Dr Sticky
- Give Me a Spanner, Ralph: Hoyst, Joanna, John, Joyce, Ralph, Raymond
- Grooving on a Inner Plane: Reginald, (Greta) Garbo, (Marilyn) Monroe, Plato, Pluto
- It’s a Mystic Trip: Janice, Judith, Lucy, Mr Watkins, Trevor
- Mr Deadly: Mr Deadly
- Point It at Gran: Princess Anne, Gran
- Trash: Brian Jones, Charlie Watts, Iggy (Pop?)
Globe of Frogs (1988)
- A Globe of Frogs: Mrs Watson
- Chinese Bones: Juliet, Romeo, Shakespeare
- Flesh Number One (Beatle Dennis): Dennis
- Sleeping with Your Devil Mask: Joyce, Mr Dennis Forbes, Mr Gareth Hobbes
- Tropical Flesh Mandala: Joanna
Queen Elvis (1989)
- Autumn Sea: Butterworth, Featherstonehaugh, Frobisher
- Freeze: David Byrne, Elaine, Ray, Steve
- One Long Pair of Eyes: Fellini
- Wax Doll: Alan Breeze, Dandy, Jacob Lurch, Mr Moose
Eye (1990)
- Certainly Clickot: Angelo, Brad, Dover, Eric
- Clean Steve: Bruce, Mark Ellen, Claire (Ellen), Clean Steve, Nick Lowe
- Cynthia Mask: Cynthia, Chamberlain, Hitler, Napoleon
- Executioner: Judas
- Flesh Cartoons: (Gwen) O’Looney, Linda Ryan
- Linctus House: Kimberley (Rew)
- Queen Elvis I & II: Queen Elvis
- Satellite: Betsy
- Century: Century
Perspex Island (1991)
- Birds in Perspex: Perspex Island
- Earthly Paradise: Josephine
- Lysander: Lysander
- Ultra Unbelievable Love: Keith
- Vegetation and Dimes: Dean
Respect (1993)
- Driving Aloud (Radio Storm): Harrison Ford, Mr Seagrove, Seth
- The Wreck Of The Arthur Lee: Arthur Lee
- The Yip Song: Molly, Vera Lynn
Soft Boys: 1976–81 (1993)
- Salamander: Grace
- It’s Not Just the Size of a Walnut: Kenneth
You & Oblivion (1995)
- Captain Dry: Captain Dry, John Dyer
- Mr Rock ‘n’ Roll: Mr Rock ‘n’ Roll
- Polly on the Shore: Polly
- Victorian Squid: Edward, H.G. Wells, Mistress Kitty
Moss Elixir (1996)
- De Chirico Street: de Chirico, Jasper, Milo
- I Am Not Me: Caroline (Enilorac)
- The Devil’s Radio: (Joseph) Stalin, (Rush) Limbaugh, Kate, Mao Tse Tung, Michael
Greatest Hits (1996)
- The Ruling Class: Mr Avon, Uncle Bernard, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, Denny
- Intro to Eyes: Clint (Leo? Jeff? Dennis?)
Jewels for Sophia (1999)
- Antwoman: Audrey Hepburn
- Don’t Talk to Me About Gene Hackman: Gene Hackman, Andie MacDowell, Laszlo
- Elizabeth Jade: Elizabeth Jade, Timmy
- Jewels for Sophia: (Michael) Stipe, (Richard) Nixon, Barney, Lucas, Pat Pat Saturday, Rex, Sophia
- Mr Tongs: Bob De Niro, Joe Pesci, Leslie, Martin Scorsese, Mr Tongs, Ray Liotta
- NASA Clapping: Buzz Aldrin
- Sally Was a Legend: Sally
- Viva! Sea-Tac: (Jimi) Hendrix, Kurt Cobain
A Star for Bram (2000)
- 1974: (Monty) Python, (Richard) Nixon, David Crosby, Led Zeppelin, Syd (Roger) Barrett
- I Saw Nick Drake: Nick Drake
- Judas Sings (Jesus & Me): Jesus, Judas
- Nietzsche’s Way: Caesar, Nietzsche
Storefront Hitchcock (2000)
- Where Do You Go When You Die?: Judas Priest, Napoleon, Pontius Pilate
Soft Boys: Nextdoorland (2002)
- I Love Lucy: Lucy
- Mr Kennedy: Miles Kennedy
Luxor (2003)
- Idonia: Idonia
- Maria Lyn: Maria Lyn
- One L: Michele (Noach)
- Penelope’s Angles: Penelope
- Solpadeine: Solpadeine
Spooked (2004)
- English Girl: (Merle) Haggard, Ronald?
- Flanagan’s Song: Flanagan
- Full Moon in My Soul: Osiris
- Sometimes a Blonde: Colin
- We’re Gonna Live in the Trees: Norm, Virginia Woolf
- Welcome to Earth: Condoleeza (Rice)
Obliteration Pie (2005)
- Madelaine: Madelaine
Olé! Tarantula (2006)
- (A Man’s Gotta Know His Limitations) Briggs: Briggs, Clint (Eastwood), Mel
- Adventure Rocket Ship: Tallulah
- Belltown Ramble: Ken, Tamerlane
- ’Cause It’s Love (Saint Parallelogram): St Parallelogram, Vince
- N.Y. Doll: Arthur Kane
- Olé! Tarantula: Gino
I Wanna Go Backwards (2007)
- Melting Arthur: Arthur
Shadow Cat (2008)
- For Debbie Reynolds: Debbie Reynolds
Goodnight Oslo (2009)
- Saturday Groovers: (Brian) Eno
- I’m Falling: Julia
- Goodnight Oslo: Harold Skrindo
Propellor Time (2010)
- Born on the Wind: (Leonoardo) da Vinci, Mira, Mr Spinks
- John in the Air: John
- Sickie Boy: Bill Rieflin, Charlie Francis, Chris Ballew, John Paul Jones, Johnny Marr, Kate St John, Michele Noach, Morris Windsor, Neill Maccoll, Nick Lowe, Peter Buck, Robyn Hitchcock, Ruby Wright, Scott McCaughey
Tromsø, Kaptein (2011)
- Savannah: Savannah
Love from London (2013)
- Harry’s Song: Harry
Robyn Hitchcock (2017)
- Detective Mindhorn: Detective Mindhorn
- Mad Shelley’s Letterbox: (Percy Bysshe) Shelley
- Raymond and the Wires: Raymond (Hitchcock)
- Virginia Woolf: Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf
misc non-album tracks
- The Living Years: Rosamund, Shirley
- Vyrna Knowl Is A Headbanger: Vyrna Knowl
Intro / A–H / I–O / P–Z / Sickie Boy / Songs by Album