

Last, next.

82: Pitch Black (lined)
83: Snowy Evening (15,901)

Pitch Black, Snowy Evening

Last, next.

81: Autumn Trilogy (Maple)
82: Pitch Black (lined)

The orange was just too jarring for me. Moving on after only a week. I’ll put it to some other use that doesn’t involve me carrying it with me everywhere.

Autumn Trilogy, Pitch Black

Last, next.

80: Trailhead (PCT)
81: Autumn Trilogy (Maple)

Trailhead, Autumn Trilogy

Last, next.

79: 50 (Grass Stain)
80: Trailhead (PCT)

50, Trailhead

Last, next.

78: Nat’l Parks (Great Smoky Mtns)
79: 50 (Grass Stain)

Smoky Mtns, 50

Last, next.

77: United States of Letterpress (Erin Beckloff)
78: Nat’l Parks (Great Smoky Mtns)

Erin Beckloff, Smoky Mtns

Last, next.

76: Kraft (graph)
77: United States of Letterpress (Erin Beckloff)

Kraft Graph, Erin Beckloff

Last, next.

75: Letterpress (Genghis Kern)
76: Kraft (graph)

Genghis Kern, Kraft Graph

Last, next.

74: Nat’l Parks (Rainier)
75: Letterpress (Genghis Kern)

Rainier, Genghis Kern

Last, next.

73: Nat’l Parks (Denali)
74: Nat’l Parks (Rainier)

Denali, Rainier

Last, next.

72: United States of Letterpress (Starshaped Press)
73: Nat’l Parks (Denali)

Letterpress, Denali

Last, next.

71: Autumn Trilogy (Elm)
72: United States of Letterpress (Starshaped Press)

Elm, Letterpress

Last, next.

70: Kraft (lined)
71: Autumn Trilogy (Elm)

Lined, Elm

Last, next.

69: Nat’l Parks (Acadia)
70: Kraft (lined)

Acadia, Lined

Last, next.

68: Mile Marker (Deer)
69: Nat’l Parks (Acadia)

The Acadia is yar.

Mile Marker, Acadia

Last, next.

67: Wednesday Green
68: Mile Marker (Deer)

Wednesday, Mile Marker

Last, next.

66: Coastal (Chesapeake)
67: Wednesday Green

Coastal, Wednesday

Last, next.

65: Nat’l Parks (Yosemite)
66: Coastal (Chesapeake)

Yosemite, Coastal

Last, next.

64: Nat’l Parks (Zion)
65: Nat’l Parks (Yosemite)

Zion, Yosemite

Last, next.

63: Shenandoah (Maple)
64: Nat’l Parks (Zion)

Maple, Zion

Last, next.

62: Shenandoah (Oak)
63: Shenandoah (Maple)

Oak, Maple

Last, next.

61: Shenandoah (Birch)
62: Shenandoah (Oak)

Birch, Oak

Last, next.

60: MN Yellow
61: Shenandoah (Birch)

Yellow, Birch

Last, next.

59: Mile Marker (Stars)
60: MN Yellow

Mile Marker, Yellow

Last, next.

58: Mile Marker (Arrow)
59: Mile Marker (Stars)

Mile Marker