By Way of Introduction
This is an attempt to catalogue all proper names that occur in the lyrics of Robyn Hitchcock songs, from his time in the Soft Boys down to the present. When my own ears have failed me, or when I’ve been unable to review the song myself (sometimes because I haven’t had a chance to revisit some albums which for some reason I only have them on CD and have not ripped them to mp3, and sometimes because, believe it or not, I don’t actually own every one of his albums and fugitive singles), I have turned to various online lyric websites. This means there are certainly transcription errors, wild conjectures, and outright omissions.
As of the initial release of this catalogue in August, 2019, I had not included any names mentioned in Robyn’s various liner-note stories or the spoken interludes of Storefront Hitchcock. And as of December 2022, I haven’t yet included anything from Robyn’s newest album, Shufflemania.
Leo? Jeff? Dennis?
The formatting is pretty straightforward:
- Name — Song (Album).
Occasionally, you will see parentheses, like this:
- Kimberley (Rew) — Linctus House (Eye).
This means that only part of the name was mentioned in the lyric (in this case, “Kimberley” but not “Rew”).
The names of people who are, in one way or another, real will link to some sort of online profile, such as their official website, if any, or maybe a Wikipedia page. This too is a work in progress, since I can’t be confident that I’ve caught every reference.
At the moment, these are all hand-coded pages converted from Markdown, which was fun at first, but now is, of course, unnecessarily complicated to maintain and update. I fully intend to set this up as a dynamic, searchable database at some point in the future. Anyone who wishes to lend a hand, let me know. And send corrections, amendments, screeds to:
leppo at letterspace org