

@derekpeden @rnv My main use is that of a short checklist of essential daily to-to's, which I move forward to the next day's list if I didn't get to some of them by the end of the day — something vaguely like that Bullet List method I've heard about (though to call what I do a "method" does, I think, great violence to the word). Also, it's a place to capture any other random thing: etymologies I want to look up; interesting sounds; did my little local family of crows do something weird; movies or TV shows recommended to me; peoples' birthdays or anniversaries; quick math problems; sketches of how we want to arrange our back patio; etc, etc. When I finish a notebook, I'll go back through and review it for interesting things or neglected/forgotten tasks/reminders.

The thing is: I never quite transitioned to the "smartphone" world as fully as I think other people did: I rarely touch my phone most of the time other than to monitor work email or to text with my wife. So I imagine that 90% of what people do on their little glowy Addiction Devices I do in a Field Notes, or a spiral notebook, or on post-it notes, or whatever.

I mean, I do use plenty of digital tools, including several on my phone — Things for tracking projects (e.g. when submission windows open at various literary magazines; what's next for my book as we approach publication day; etc) and Due for nagging me about recurring tasks (e.g. bills; watering that silly plant in the window every morning; etc). And many of my day jobs over the years have involved working on computers (or fixing the stupid things). But, mostly, I live and work today as I did forty years ago: on paper. That's where almost everything usually starts. I guess it's easy for me to make analogue note taking stick, since, for whatever reason, it never really came unstuck in the first place.